Community Christmas Tree Lighting
We are so thankful to partner with the community and all those who contributed to the donation of our new community Christmas Tree. Thank you to Mark Valente and the Woodstown-Pilesgrove historical society for seeing the value in our annual Christmas tree lighting. A huge thank you to Lew Merryfield & Mike Carr, Merryfield Construction, and Marco Chiarelli, Chiarelli Paving for your contribution. And lastly, thank you to Henry Davis Jr, Nature Scape, for planting and tending to the Christmas Tree! We hope to see you on December 2nd, at 8:00pm for our annual Christmas Tree Lighting! Reliance Fire company will be collecting toys to donate to children for Christmas, the Woodstown High School Chamber Choir will be singing Christmas Carols and our FBC Family will be sharing hot chocolate and cookies for our guests! Merry Christmas!