We are active in local missions, partnering with other local churches and ministries in our county and region.
Salem Motor Lodge Meals
We work with First Baptist Church of Salem to serve meals to our friends at the Motor Lodge and provide meals to our friends in Salem on Saturdays at noon.

Drive-through food drives for Disciples Pantry
We have drive-through food drives in our parking lot to collect needed food items for Disciples Pantry, a local food pantry that partners with other local churches.

Code Blue care packages
We collect food and other items and assemble care packages that are provided to homeless people in Salem County.

Salem County Women’s Shelter
We collect needed hygiene and food items to support the needs of women and children located in the shelter.

Hope Ranch
We provide Christmas gifts, beds, dressers, and other items to Hope Ranch, a facility that provides a home to adults with mental health needs.

Mission trips through Samaritan’s Purse
Groups participate in mission trips throughout the country through Samaritan’s Purse in response to disasters that have occurred.
In addition, we provide financial assistance to other local ministries including Mission Teens (addiction recovery residential facility in Norma), Ranch Hope, Whosoever Gospel Mission (a men’s homeless shelter in Philadelphia), Malaga Camp and Camp Lebanon (Christian summer camps for kids), Habitat for Humanity of Salem County, Chosen People (a ministry that shares Jesus to Jewish people), and more.
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We are active in global missions, providing support to missionaries and ministries around the world.Through missions organizations like Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child, we collect items for and assemble over 100 shoebox gifts that are sent to children round the world.
We have also participated in mission trips to Haiti to support a school and to distribute water filters to people in rural areas who don’t have safe water.
We also financially support American Baptist and Mennonite missionaries located around the world; International Christian Partnership (ICP) that trains people to become missionaries in their own countries; White Cross, a mission organization that provides supplies to missionaries around the world;
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